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Welcome to Intellect Aqua

Intellect Aqua Private Limited is one of the Leading Manufacturer of Water and Waste Water Treatment Solutions, Providing environmental consultancy and operation and maintenance our expertise ranges in offering multiple products based on industry application with reliable performance, flexible design and flow ranges, Guaranteed quality output.

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water solutions company

Our Products

Our Wide Range of Products include design and Manufacture of Membrane filtration technology (UF, RO), Packaged/ Civil modalized Sewage Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plants ranging from 10 KLD to 2 MLD, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Bio Gas, Organic Waste Composter, Environmental consultancy, critical spares and consumables, operation, Maintenance aspects

Waste Water Treatment

renewable energy

sewage treatment systems

Organic Waste Composter (OWC)

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wastewater treatment system

Bio Gas Plant

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water treatment

water purification plant


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sewage water treatment


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stp plant

Treated Water

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Intellect Aqua